Lost Sight in Misty Woods
CPC Chuhuangkeng | Old Clinic(No. 36, Kaikuang Village, Gongguan Township, Miaoli County)
Opening Hours
To be filled
Language Used / Song
From the processes of felling, extracting, and nebulizing, camphor can be found in natural landscape, film industry (celluloid), weaponry and battlefield (smokeless gunpowder), domestic cleaning, and fragrance supplies (camphor oil). The changes of the material and industry point to dissimilar imaginations of mountains in different times, and reveal the soon-forgotten cultural landscape of low-elevation mountains on the borders.
Working Hard
Working Hard is the brainchild of Wen-Ying SHE and Po-Yu KUO since 2015. The name of the creative duo also beckons at a spirit of dealing with historical archives and reconstructing an imaginative space in their art practice, in which they extract and abstract observations of details in daily surrounding. Manipulating sounds and smells, their visual works unveil the community of migrant workers and marginalized or fading social landscapes in urban space. They are the recipient of a residency grant by the Ministry of Culture to the Künstlerhaus Bethanien in Germany, and their works have been featured at various international art institutions in Taiwan, Latvia, Mexico, Germany, New Zealand in recent years.