豐原客運卓蘭站(24.31433, 120.82387)
語音介紹 / 歌曲創作
Have you ever wondered about how we humans separate ourselves from the natural environment? We do so as a means to seek shelter, stay clean, and engage with one another in built environments. Many of us never enter wild areas, or forage for food any longer. We exist in constructed structures, preferring to think of nature as something separate to us.
In city based contemporary societies, languages and ideas are unconsciously used to create classifications, which sets human perceptions apart from knowledge systems, and encourages us to believe that nature and the human world are separated. And yet it’s an inescapable fact that human beings are simply part of nature and its processes. The artist gathers leaves and branches of local plants to construct the form of figures, thus engaging the public in discussing the blurred boundary between human-made and the natural via this action and to acknowledge the requirement to live harmoniously with nature.
Have you ever wondered about how we humans separate ourselves from the natural environment? We do so as a means to seek shelter, stay clean, and engage with one another in built environments. Many of us never enter wild areas, or forage for food any longer. We exist in constructed structures, preferring to think of nature as something separate to us.
In city based contemporary societies, languages and ideas are unconsciously used to create classifications, which sets human perceptions apart from knowledge systems, and encourages us to believe that nature and the human world are separated. And yet it’s an inescapable fact that human beings are simply part of nature and its processes. The artist gathers leaves and branches of local plants to construct the form of figures, thus engaging the public in discussing the blurred boundary between human-made and the natural via this action and to acknowledge the requirement to live harmoniously with nature.

跨學科澳洲藝術家 Juan Ford 因其超現實繪畫而備受推崇,獲得許多重要美術館展覽與收藏,包含維多利亞國家美術館的墨爾本現在(2013/2014); Manifesta 9 歐洲宣言展 (2012);維多利亞州議會大廈;墨爾本猶太博物館,他的繪畫主題最常圍繞在觀察人性與環境之關係,並且以不落俗套的方式顛覆澳洲當地藝術。"